The second Board of Studies meeting of department of Environmental Sciences was held on April 23rd 2011 at Haripur Campus. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Bakhtiar Muhammad, Dean, Faculty of Science, Hazara University. The agenda items included revised scheme of studies for BS (Hons.)/M.Sc., M.Phil/M.Phil leading to Ph.D. and Ph.D. programs, revised and updated course contents, approval of M.Phil/Ph.D. research proposals, approval of external examiners and revision of eligibility criteria for different programs. The board approved the revised scheme of studies and the course contents with suggestion of rephrasing titles of few courses. The Board also approved the minutes of first Board of Studies meeting of Department of Environmental Sciences, Haripur Campus The meeting was started with welcome remarks by the Convener, Dr. Bakhtiar Muhammad. Dr. Abdullah Khan, Head of Department briefed the Board regarding teaching and research activities being taken at the department. He thanked all the participants and acknowledged their vital role in the establishment and then strengthening of the Department. The Board recognized and appreciated the progress made by the department in very short of span of time. Among the participants were Dr. Mirza Arshad Ali Beg DG(Ex) PCSIR Laboratories, Pakistan, Dr. Saeed Iqbal, Professor of Chemistry at FC College University, Lahore, Dr. Hizbullah, Associate Professor, University of Peshawar, Mr. Asif Khanzada, nominee of Director General EPA, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Haji Muhammad Ilyas Haidri, member Haripur Chamber of Commerce. The faculty members of department of Environmental Sciences were also present at occasion.